Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's Time

Well, I only got one thing to say: It is time. I'll see you when I see you, people. [Let's door slam behind me]

Monday, January 5, 2009

Freakin Budget Cuts Please I was walkin back to my room from the bookstore today. Total of my books was like $369. Added a few stuff to make the total $414.something. That's like 5 books yo, mad heavy with a huge Obama poster. But anyway, I'm walkin back to my room and thinkin to myself. "Alright that's $414 minus the $750 that I put on my SpartanCard. That refund should be about $300, add that to $1500, but subtract the $500. How am I gonna manage all my other costs, like when I wanna buy food at school, knowing that every school purchase is like a bank robbery. What other times am I gonna actually use my card for snacks? Can that $300 last for the whole semester?" The whole thing like made me realize that I need to really put myself on a serious overseer budget. I have no income, I'm a freakin college student on scholarship. I can't live on scholarship forever now. Ya know, a few paying graphics but its not alot. I'm at a full ride with school but until I get myself off financial aid (no that's not a bad thing), I have to pay for school and probably won't have any room for refund checks. I can't depend on a refund check. Now I'm stable, I'm not saying I don't have money because I do. Its just no income flow. I got pretty much 2 years of school left and I'm not too into making money just yet. I'm glad I'm on scholarships and stuff but it can't be like this forever (duh, I'm not gonna be in school forever) Hmm...maybe I just needed that reality check. Last semester, financially was fine...its just that I used like all the money on my SpartanCard, on paraphenalia and of course, food. I can do better, and I'm going to. Let's get it.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Yeah Happy New Year and all that genre. I'm doing great by the way. Like, more than ever. I'm focused on a lot of stuff in life right now. Relationship wise...definetely single and not a man whore lol. Wish I had more to say but I really can't think of anything else. Stay...good?