Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Decision Made, Gotta Get Paid

Yeah see its been a while since I actually posted something up. Its finals week though. Anyway, I've finally decided on which fraternity I am going to pledge to. I mean I already knew since like the beginning of the semester but now its like finally on its dawn of approachal (the hell does that mean) soo now the dues gotta be paid off before I start the process. Oh and just for the disclaimer, its a fraternity in the National Pan-Helenic Council so its something waay legit, not any white fraternity or anything. Anyway, I'm ready...we had the big interest meeting and got a whole lotta insight. Only downfall is, that when I pledge, I'm not gonna be able to do the dorm step show. I wasn't aware that I'd be going through the process when all this is going on. I would probably cross when the dorm step team is actually singled out (number wise). I mean I'll be able to help but I would not be on the team nor in the show.

Pledging causes money though, yo. Money that I have, with a cushion. Only thing I'm sorta worried about is Christmas shopping. I mean I know my scholarships can help me out but I think that other cushion would be a little exhausted so pretty much I'm just workin out money a little bit...it'll work if I ever have to take out a loan though. So I know I'm straight.

1 comment:

Jay said...

Pledging is one thing I look forward to doing when i finally get to a University. I have few in mind, but it's something I'm putting A LOT of though into. It's too bad you won't be able to be in the show, but at least you'll be crossing! ;)

Man.. let's not even talk about money. Times are hard yo.

Jay from http://thisfiasco.net

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