Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ipod Nano Message

Well, on the road today after we got back to the house, we were on our way to the commisary before we got back to school. I was just remembering alot of stuff that I was thinkin about, like stuff that I went through like on a personal journey...I turned on my Kirk Franklin: Fight of My Life and realized how delivered I was from where I was. I grinned real tight again without a worry in the world. Then I looked down at the battery. It was all empty, like DEAD. But the ipod was still playing my gospel music. Testimony much?

Little Cousin, Little Cousin: We're Sick of You

LOL I just thought of that title like with Lupe's "Little Weapon". but yeah my little cousin Tasia was a handful yo. She was asking little questions and stuff and it was really annoying. She's only 5 so you'd expect that. But she would screeam and pout and stuff and run around. But here's where I'm like whoa; her entertainment is YouTube lol. A 5-year old hooked on YouTube. I met another one of my cousins, little Quan...he was pretty a baby too. "I wanna play!" =( and he would cry because he wouldnt get his way. Yo, what did I do about all this? I just went 'Oh.' and then tried to make the situation fair...I still gave the 'Oh. Okay' treatment lol. It works because that lets them know that you're not falling into their attention getters...well I'm back at NSU now. Hungry as hell

Friday, November 28, 2008

Blog Blurb

Now I see why I have some trouble doing blogs...I anticipate them and become real lazy...anyways

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Clubbin Lovin Drunkin Pt. 2

Alright, since I had to go to sleep last night because it was about 5:30AM lol. Anyways, my cousin had a bit too much to drink, yet a little too much fun.... We had to cut our clubbing early and go to the hospital after the club 'nurse' called the hospital. So me, my bro, her roomates and company ran off to the hospital. Her roommate, I forgot her name...Lisa or somethin is mad funny though, she really needs her own sitcom haha. So we waited in the waiting room for an hour and 15 till my cousin [because Gabby is her daughter] came and got me and my bro. Met Chris and Quonell there. After a mocha late' and a freakin HOT chocolate that burned my tongue, it was time to go. I wonder what Earl [the rabbit] was thinkin when we got home that late. Gabby's fine now too.... lol. Thanks for a great experience in the first night here in Greensboro, NC! Thanks to Gabby, Liz, Lisa, Chris, Quonell, and Amber!

Clubbin Lovin Drunkin Pt. 1

Well, made it to Greensboro, people. I like it here though, I mean my great aunt's house and cousin's house. Met cousins for the first time here. I'm the one who threw the first flame because my cousin Gabby wanted to know if me and brother wanted to go to the club. I said "Oh I don't know. If I go in there, I might leave with fleas." My mom told my aunt, who is A&T alumni, "he's talkin about the Aggies". LOL She got up so quick ready to beat me for that hahaha. We went onto the club tonight though. We went with my cousin Gabby (damn, she's my cousin...agggh good blood) and her friends. They're mad cool too. We were havin too much fun in the club. I mean I'm glad I went because I was hesitant to go at first. I have no regrets except for the smoke smell that I came in with. OH, I don't drink/smoke people. But Part 2 of this blog will come tomorrow because its sort of a longer blurb/story dealin with what happened when we had to cut our blubbin short. Goodnight.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ignore Ignorance

Yo, sometimes I can't take it. It just gets really hard for me how people try to sound smart but it always comes out as ignorance. I try to cope with it but I always have a problem with it all. Its definetely a black white thing and there are TOO many stereotypes to even keep up with. I'm tired of it...but I guess that's life. All I can do is all I know how to do...I guess it works. Nah... it doesn't...

John Legend: Evolver Pt. 2

This is John Legend's best. It just flows. I can really relate to it forreal forreal. I figured out the formula to listen to new CDs too. Listen to the whole thing full out. Go to the first breakthrough song. In this case it was Track 8: This Time. This track really touched me and made me miss my girl even more. [Oh God...another blog]. This album has its perks. I especially like Quickly ft. Brandy. Next listen to the songs after the outbreak song. See how good it flows if it does. Obviously with Evolver, it flowed great. After that, listen to the tracks before the breakthrough song over and over and over. Then when you're ready, listen to the whole thing. Ha! it works. And thats the fact about this one. Evolver just works! This is the level that he's at and he's not afraid to show it.
Final Score: A-

John Legend: Evolver Pt. I

Yeees. I was so happy that I used the REST of the money in my checkings account on this. Get this though, luck or somethin else: Me, my brother and Chris went to Tarje' (TARGET) last night to get a $13.99 CD. Anthony and Chris wanted to get Kanye's 808 and Heartbreaks. Even though like a month late, I need that John Legend album. $13.99. I got that and a 10 pack of DVDs for like $10.67. Total was like $27.66 or something. I check my checkings account today because I needed some minutes. Balance $0.00. Not good but definetely destined. The total of the stuff last night was the same exact amount that I had in my account. Is that somethin called luck? LOL I don't know

Monday, November 24, 2008


So i felt awkward today. I felt really dirty and still do. Its okay now because I found the offset. Its "Body. Mind. Spirit." The body part is lacking. I'm gonna take a good shower tonight.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Freshmen Tolerance

they think i'm joking...

I just really had to say how this RA position is really improving myself as an authority figure. These freshmen think they could run me my ownself. Truth of the matter is, I am the authority figure that they need to be managed with. The ones who dont live on my floor are just gonna have to get the hell off if they don't like the way I handle stuff. They really don't have a say-so in anything that goes on. I'm not gonna apologize for being one of the only RAs on his P's & Q's. But I know damn sure I'm not being the doormat. For one of the first times today, I said things that I meant. I wasn't laughing, either. I had a dead serious face on and everything. I don't know why everybody thinks its a joke when I tell them to do something. And I hate that people think I'm not going to do what I say. They'll have to see what happens. And if I fine them, it won't be a thing because they've been warned over and over. That's life though.

Good Sunday

I smiled really hard tonight at 1:43AM. Despite having to be subject to another fire alarm pulling on campus, I realized how blessed I am. God told me to write this blog. He said that I should let every one now how I made it and how He's making it for me. I made sure I watched Joel Olsteen today on TV even for the brief 10 minutes. I usually don't really write about religion or anything but I don't know. Its Monday morning; Sunday passed. Anyways, Joel was talking about how things are never going to be permanent. All the negative that comes in our lives is permanent. If we disown whatever negative aspect or action or trait we have, its temporary. God did this on purpose.