Sunday, November 23, 2008

Freshmen Tolerance

they think i'm joking...

I just really had to say how this RA position is really improving myself as an authority figure. These freshmen think they could run me my ownself. Truth of the matter is, I am the authority figure that they need to be managed with. The ones who dont live on my floor are just gonna have to get the hell off if they don't like the way I handle stuff. They really don't have a say-so in anything that goes on. I'm not gonna apologize for being one of the only RAs on his P's & Q's. But I know damn sure I'm not being the doormat. For one of the first times today, I said things that I meant. I wasn't laughing, either. I had a dead serious face on and everything. I don't know why everybody thinks its a joke when I tell them to do something. And I hate that people think I'm not going to do what I say. They'll have to see what happens. And if I fine them, it won't be a thing because they've been warned over and over. That's life though.

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