Sunday, November 30, 2008

Little Cousin, Little Cousin: We're Sick of You

LOL I just thought of that title like with Lupe's "Little Weapon". but yeah my little cousin Tasia was a handful yo. She was asking little questions and stuff and it was really annoying. She's only 5 so you'd expect that. But she would screeam and pout and stuff and run around. But here's where I'm like whoa; her entertainment is YouTube lol. A 5-year old hooked on YouTube. I met another one of my cousins, little Quan...he was pretty a baby too. "I wanna play!" =( and he would cry because he wouldnt get his way. Yo, what did I do about all this? I just went 'Oh.' and then tried to make the situation fair...I still gave the 'Oh. Okay' treatment lol. It works because that lets them know that you're not falling into their attention getters...well I'm back at NSU now. Hungry as hell

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